Composer Graphist Designer
- Home studio update
The new songs for her Live Sets :
- Sagace reggae 7:02
- Travelling fish 2:38
- Resilience 4:32
- Stop them to kill 4:57
Exploring the essentials off the beaten track ...
I aspire to broad
To the wild regions,
Where these people in phase
Make ground a miracle,
While we one ink it.
I aspire to the light
Escaped from the universe,
That the Indians venerate
By cherishing the sky,
When we one badgers it.
I aspire to the calm one
Far from all these crashes,
For quite simply being
Faithful to myself,
Without the concern of liking.
I dream of a ground
Where there is no more war,
Were the money is not any more king
Where the instinct goes from oneself,
Without harming neither you nor to me.
I dream to live
Without losing the wire,
By listening to time
By respecting the moment,
My finally Free Destiny !
Song ©Iboal 2009 translated by Cath Larkins ...
Iboal is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist, guided by instinct, inspiration and an unalterable thirst for
learning and discovery. Born in Paris in 1956, she started the piano at the beginning of the 60s. From 1974 she started composing, and while traveling
through Europe she discovered her own technique of repulsed painting in watercolor, ink of color and oil painting. In the 80s she settled in the south
of France, where she began to stone sculpture.
From 1989, her style asserted herself between surrealism and the fantastic, influenced by her philosophical and
spiritual approach to life. She developed and illustrated entirely over 10 years, a divinatory tarot deck of 68 cards. In 2000, she opened up to
the digital world with 3D CAD and Web programming.
Her creative process as a whole remains based on the expression of inner momentum. A concept that resonates with
the current developed by the painter
Vassily Kandinsky. Her creative impulse can just as easily be triggered by a melody, a chord, a colour, a line, a sketch, a gesture, an inner rhythm,
as by an emotion, a situation or a test of existence.
Despite her largely solitary artistic career, she has collaborated with various alternative rock and blues bands,
playing electric guitar and electric violin. Currently she is mainly dedicated to composing
Live Sets in her home-studio and making digital images.
At the same time she is a webmaster and creates websites with artistic connotations.
Organics - 2015 - 35'
Illustrates a more current working method, a more refined and more accomplished style. This album is the synthesis
of previous periods, conducive to the illustration of images. The rhythm is always unformatted and creates its groove between the electric guitar,
the piano and the synthetic sounds.
Providence - 2010 - 41'
Mix of synthetic, piano, electric guitar and electric violin sounds. The rhythms are very electronically filtered,
the sound is overall more unusual than in previous albums and more conducive to visual illustration.
Intuition - 2005 - 67'
Composed in continuity of the previous album, more repetitive, more abstract and evaporated. The electric violin
appears there and the twenty-minute piece 'Intuition' illustrates a response to one of Klaus Schulze's tracks. The style is already more
Nomades - 2003 - 66'
Mainly produced on a Korg X3 synth, it brings together old revisited sketches and others created at the time.
The atmosphere is sober, melodic, colorful and conducive to travel.
For some time by need for renewal, her working method has evolved to allow her to reconnect with improvisation,
which is supposed to capture and translate the present moment. The Live Set is close to the Dj Set where tracks from different artists are mixed and
chained on a mixing deck, unlike a Live Set where the artist remixes and recombines his own music with much more diversified equipment. The common
point of the two forms of set is to have to improvise the sequences by grasping the atmosphere of the moment.
You wish to communicate with Iboal for:
- give her your impressions
- invite her to a collaboration
- order the assembly of her tarot deck
- ask for a track or a video of better quality
- or anything else ...
write to her below, she will get back to you.